Friday, July 8, 2011

pickled eggs?!

so there i was, in the dark of a dive bar, when i was offered to try something i pathetically hadn't heard about: a pickled egg. i wasn't exactly sure of how i felt about that (brined eggs? eww...) soooo i drowned myself in low quality brew until a friend convinced me. naturally.

being a fan of pickles, i was intrigued. however, eggs are another story. eggs have a particular scent. it's pungent, yet sneaky. it's appetizing, yet faintly reminds me of wet dog. scrambled eggs always seem to be a great idea, but then i put them in my mouth and hold back a gag. in fact, in order for me to comfortably consume one, i need to not taste that indescribable flavor that only i seem to associate with cat vomit.

but this! this strange, greenish-yellow, sort of rubbery, testicle-like ball was surprisingly delicious. i mean, really, really good. it smelled like a pickle, which was great (for me) and had that awesome texture that only eggs have. i could see this as being a really versatile food. cut up and put in a salad...turned into a salad....put in your mouth....throw at an unsuspecting many applications!

i think i may be trying to make some of these soon :)

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