Tuesday, July 12, 2011


(and no, i don't mean of the meat-head variety.)

juicing! the art of shoving whole (or halved) fruits and vegetables into this terrifying machine of grating power, receiving the fragrant gift of both tasteless shavings, and sweet, sweet nectar of the goddddds...

alright, so i'm a little enthralled with my new-old juicer. recently i watched a documentary about a man who was in desperate need for a major life change (Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead). Aside from losing an obscene amount of weight, his diet was extremely inspiring, and i took it upon myself to give it a whirl. first of all, beets are disgusting. blech. but as most unappetizing things go, they're very good for you. the first drink i ended up making was a carrot, ginger, broccoli, and beet juice. which was so awkward, that it took some major convincing (even audibly, "MM GOOD, TRY SOME.") for me to get around it. after adding some apple, peach, and honey, the drink began to take form. but just a heads up, a (large) grape sized amount of ginger is morrrrre than enough for an entire blender full.

speaking of blender....i re-found my love of smoothies <3
(pictured is a mix of granny smith apple, strawberries, raspberries, nectarine, honey, and milk)

this post is dedicated to the lovely Jess, for the donation of her very welcome juicer.


Unknown said...

I know a guy whose wife was diagnosed w/ cancer and she started juicing with cabbage (has anti-carcinoginic stuff in it, i don't know the details) but 6 weeks later went back to the doc and tests came back cancer free.

Anonymous said...

Hey i watched that documentary! I did it for 60days with a few alterations and i lost 73 pounds. And now i rock out eating alot less then i used to haha